ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

Reviews from former students of our language school

Reviews average: 9,2

based on 106 customer reviews
| Chiho Y. (Giappone)
Tornerei ancora e la cosiglio a tutti
GI23 - 10 settimane | May 2024
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| Anjia M (Netherlands)
Bologna: One of the main city in Italy and not too big
GI23 - | March 2024
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| Aristia (Francia)
Teachers are good, nice and easy to understand
Italian PLUS cooking - 1 settimana | November 2023
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| Julia (Austria)
Ancora una volta grazie per il nostro meraviglioso soggiorno a Bologna.
Mini gruppo - su misura - 1 settimana | October 2023
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| Diego Agueros (France)
Very pleasant and positive experience
GI23 - 2 weeks | October 2023
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| Selina (Svizzera)
Bologna ist eine sehr schöne Stadt
GI23 - 4 settimane | October 2023
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| Thomas (Germania)
Il corso Master Class mi ha convinto - Eine tolle Stadt voller Kultur, jung und lebendig
Master Class - | October 2023
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| Ines B. (Germania)
La ho scelta perchè c'è un corso per persone oltre 50 anni
Master Class - 2 settimane | October 2023
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| Wolfgang B. (Austria)
corso master class
Master Class - 2 settimane | October 2023
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| Marianne G. (Svizzera)
Volevo conoscere Bologna da molto tempo
Master Class - 2 settimane | October 2023
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| Gino (Svizzera)

Master Class - 4 settimane | September 2023
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| Johan (Paesi Bassi)
Tutto molto bene
GI23 - 4 settimane | September 2023
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| Michelle (Svizzera)
sono stata molto contenta con tutti gli insegnanti
GI23 - 2 | September 2023
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| Michelle Alexiou (Usa)
"Great Teachers"
GI23 - 1 week | September 2023
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| Nicky Deleersnyder (Belgio)
Ho belli ricordi id voi tutti!
GI23 - | January 2023
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| Tomi Cunningham (usa)
"Great classes and activities"
GI23 - setembre 2022 - 2 weeks | September 2022
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| Caroline Tunball (Uk)

Master Class - 1 week | September 2022
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| Hans Rudolf (Svizzera)
Una città fenomenale
GI23 - 4 settimane | May 2022
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| Claudia (Svizzera)
Preparazione, disponibilità degli insegnanti, organizzazione e ujso della lingua costante
GI23 - 4 settimane | May 2022
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| Alemoyehu (Etiopia)
Sono molto contento, continuate così
- 2 mesi | April 2022
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"It was mind-opening and life-changing."
GI23 - 1 week | September 2021
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| Veera (Svizzera - Finlandia)
Grazie mille per tutto
GI23 - | May 2021
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| Nikolaus (Germany)
Grazie per avermi dato una settimana di lezioni sa solo
intensivo - gennaio e febbraio 2021 | February 2021
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| Alemayehu Wolde (Etiopia)
Ssono molto contento continuate così
GI23 - 2021 | January 2021
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| Karolina (Switzerland)
molto contenta e soddisfatta con la mia famiglia e i miei insegnanti.
GI23 - autunno 2020 | December 2020
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| Jeremi (svizzera)
Bologna è una cottà bellissima dove tornare
intensivo - long term | December 2020
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| Francesca (Svizzera)
Sono molto contenta; Grazie per tutto . forse un giorno ritornerò
GI23 - long term | December 2020
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| Brigitte (Germany)
La gente è molto gentile
GI23 - 2 weeks | November 2020
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| Mariele (Russia)
L'atmosfera è famigliare e l'organizzazioen ottima
intensivo one to one - autunno | November 2020
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| Edith (Svizzera)
Molto soddisfatta
- 4 weeks | November 2020
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| Enrico (Svizzera)
molto positivo
- 2 weeks | November 2020
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| Ursula (Svizzera)

intensivo - | November 2020
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| Hermann (Austria)
great school
intensive - | November 2020
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| Rath (Netherland)
raccomanderò Alce ai miei amici
- | October 2020
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| Maria Theresa (Francia)
ho scoperto la città con un bellissimo documentario
italiano + cucina - | September 2020
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| Julia (Svizzera)
Il corso di Alce mi è piaciuto molto; grazie a tutti
intensivo - | August 2020
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| Elisa (Svizzera)
Mio padre aveva studiato a Bologna
- | August 2020
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| Heidi (Svizzera)
All staff at A.L.C.E were VERY open, friendly and had a lot of humou
GI23 - | June 2020
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| Martina (Germania)
Ho visto la scuoal online e ha fattuo buona impressione
- | March 2020
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| Xenia (Svizzera)
Le escurioni del sabato e il coso di cucina
- | February 2020
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| Fran (Svezia)
La sruttura del corso, il contenuto e le attivotà apparivano rigorose
intensive - | February 2020
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| Martin (Uk)
La città è meno turistica di alre ha prezzi ragionevoli e mi è piaciuto molto
- | February 2020
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| Francis (Colombia)
Il corso è molto integrativo (lingua + cultura)
- | February 2020
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| Dalia (Germania)
Mi dispiace andare via, mi abrebbe piaciuto rimanere un po di più !
intensivo - | February 2020
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| Inga (Svezia)
I really liked all teachers very much
- | February 2020
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| Olga (Russia)
Bologna città bella e interessante; Alce migliore scuola di Italia
intensivo - gennaio 2020 | January 2020
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| Nathalie (France)
Perfect adaptation to students needs
intensivo - gennaio 2020 | January 2020
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| Christoph (Olanda)
grazie mille per la ospitalità !
- | January 2020
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| Alicia (Spagna)
Grazie a tutti e buona fortuna :-)
- | January 2020
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| Alexandra (Svizzera)
intensivo - | January 2020
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| Christian (Svizzera)
intensivo - | January 2020
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| Birgit (Germany)
ALCE è raccomandata dalla mia agenzia
- | January 2020
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| Linda (Svizzera)
Grazie a tutti ma soprattutto alle mie insegnanti
intensivo - | October 2019
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| Bas (Olanda)
Gli insegnanti erano bravissimi. specialmente Arianna e Francesco
intensivo - | October 2019
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| Fabien (Switzerland)
una città giovane e aperta
- | October 2019
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| Eve (Switzerland)
Ho scelto Bologna
- | October 2019
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| Aviv (Israel)
sono molto contenta con la scuola
- | October 2019
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| Luca ()
Bologna è luogo in centro di Italia e italiano è puro
- | October 2019
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| Lisbeth (Sweden)
Good atmosphere at ALCE !
intensivo - | September 2019
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| Jelly (Svizzera)
A unique experience
GI23 - | September 2019
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| Piotr (Poland)
The teachers were great, always willing to help
GI23 - 2 weeks | August 2019
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| Sandro (Svizzera)

- | August 2019
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| Laura ()
belal città con tanti giovani
one to one - | August 2019
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| Maren (Svizzera)
My host faamly was great ! The school was good and my private lessons were the best
- | August 2019
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| Thais (Brazil)
- | August 2019
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| Thais (Brasil)
GI23 - 12 weeks | August 2019
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| Martina (Uk)
Loved my time here
- | July 2019
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| Alexandra (Svizzera)
the mix of people in different level is relly good
intensivo - 1 week | July 2019
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| Bettina (Germania)
few students per class - città del cibo
- | July 2019
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| Jan (Sweden)
Bologna: the best !
- | July 2019
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| Francesca (Usa)
Bologna and is familiar school ! grazie mille
italian AND cooking - | July 2019
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| Fiorella (Netherland)
spero che avrò la possibilità di tornare molto presto, grazie !
intensivo - | July 2019
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| Florian (Svizzera)
- | July 2019
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| Anna ()
ALCE corrisponde a quello che cercavo
- | June 2019
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| Shiori (Japan)
I have been able to learn Italian and also about the Italian culture and customs
GI23 - | May 2019
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| Niclas (Sweden)
ALCE is a good school with dedicated and proficient teachers
GI23 - 40 weeks | April 2019
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| Wall ()
we love our teacher
- | April 2019
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| Luc (Svizzera)
Yes , perfect service, famiglia ottima, buon corso
- | April 2019
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| Markus (Svizzera)
secondo me ALCE è "LA SCUOLA"
intensivo - | April 2019
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| Richard (Svizzera)
very good
- | April 2019
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| Bob (Usa)
Spero che avrò l'opportunità a tornare e studiare di più
- | March 2019
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| Jonathan (Usa)
La scuola e la città mi hanno fatto tornare
- | February 2019
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| Babette (Netherland)
Sono molto professionali
intensivo - | January 2019
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| Alina (Russia)
I have studied Italian at ALCE for 10 months and I have reached a C1 level
GI23 - 40 weeks | August 2018
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| Miriam (Germany)
wondering city with a lot to do and great food
- | August 2018
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| Erika (Hungary)
The lessons and methods are really efficient and it was really pleasant to work in small groups.
GI23 - 4 weeks | June 2018
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| Claudia (Svizzera)
Preparazione, disponibilità degli insegnanti, organizzazione e ujso della lingua costante
GI23 - 4 settimane | May 2018
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| Veronika Kuna (Austria)
"Great experience, everything well organised...I wouldn't hesitate to book it again. Grazie mille Manuela e Olga!"
GI23 - 2 weeks | April 2018
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| Santino (UK)
During my time at ALCE I significantly improved my Italian
GI23 - 8 WEEKS | March 2018
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| Emmanuelle (Switzerland)
I am very happy about my experience at ALCE Bologna. The courses are motivating, varied and animated
GI23 - 4 WEEKS | March 2018
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| Liza (Georgia)
The teachers are very professionals and at the school, I feel as part of a big family
GI23 - 6 monthes | January 2018
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| Manfred (Colombia)
I now feel confident when I speak Italian thanks to the teacher’s dedication, passion and enthusiasm
GI23 - | January 2018
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| Juliana (Brazil)
ALCE was undoubtedly essential so that I could reach my objectives
GI23 - | January 2018
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| Rodrigo and Analuize (Brazil)
Our stay in Bologna has been just great
GI23 - 2 WEEKS | January 2018
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| Florian (Francia)
Bologna: not very turusty, well connected, many students
intensivo - | January 2018
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| Mark Gregor ()
Alce offre buona qualità di servizio
CILS EXAM - | January 2018
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| Sara (Svizzera)
non conoscevo Bologna
- | January 2018
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| Lucia ()
Mia zia ha dato l'avvio
intensivo - 2 weeks | January 2018
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| Wall (Uk)
we love our teacher
- | January 2018
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| John ()
Mi piace molto ALCE
- | January 2018
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| Johannes (Austria)
ci rivedremo ancora !
GI23 + celi preparation - | January 2018
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| Anne (Germania)
Mi ho piaciuto molto al ALCE !
GI23 - | January 2018
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| Anja (Svizzera)
molto contenta
- | January 2018
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| Arlette (Austria)
fantastic experience !
intensive - | January 2018
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| Monika (Germania)
ALCE MI è sembrata il migliore
- | January 2018
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| Attila Barbosa (Brasile)
"It was a good experience"
- 2 weeks | January 2018
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