ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

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January 2018

I now feel confident when I speak Italian thanks to the teacher’s dedication, passion and enthusiasm

| Manfred (Colombia)

| GI23

n solo cinco semanas a ALCE, he aprendido no solo italiano, pero también sobre la cultura italiana y la ciudad de Bolonia. Me siento confidente cuando hablo italiano gracias a la dedicación, pasión y entusiasmo de los profesores de ALCE. Bolonia es una ciudad muy linda donde aprender el italiano y recomiendo ALCE a cualquier persona que quiere mejorar su italiano.

In only 5 weeks at ALCE I have not only learned Italian but also a lot about the culture and the city of Bologna. I now feel confident when I speak Italian thanks to the teacher’s dedication, passion and enthusiasm. Bologna is a beautiful city where to learn Italian and I would definitely recommend ALCE to anyone that wants to get better in Italian (or start learning the language!).