ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

Bologna Opera Campus

A unique and exclusive experience for international opera music singers

ONE MONTH | Full immersion with experienced professional interpreters and professors. Director Maestro Luca de Lorenzo


Study and interpretation of the Italian recitativo:

Text comprehension, diction, dramatic and musical interpretation. Special attention is given to the interpretation distinction depending on the historical period.<br> Work on scenes and recitativo from:

  • Mozart – Le nozze di Figaro
  • Rossini – Il barbiere di Siviglia
  • Bellini – La sonnambula
  • Donizetti – L’elisir d’amore
  • Verdi – La Traviata

The Verdian recitativo, the importance of the scenic word

Opera La TRAVIATA, act III, reading and study

The study of the Opera La Traviata is a very good exercise for all the “non in voce” declamation example existing in the opera literature. For that reason, it can be a good practice of all kind of voices.

Analysis and in depth comprehension of the musical terms, composer’s indications and of the most common captions present in libretti and scores

Study of the Italian terms widely used in theatre during the rehearsals. Gestural and verbal indication examples of the orchestra director

Music laboratory of vocal group

Technical interpretation study of duets, trios and quartets

Study of the most important choral pieces of the Italian repertoire.

The choral exercise represents an excellent test to evaluate the diction level of each single singer.
The necessity of uniforming one’s pronunciation to the choir’s one is a great practice to improve it

Daily private piano lessons of Arias chosen by the student.

Pieces of operas mainly played by Mozart, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi and Puccini

The students already close to professionalism will have the opportunity to study and memorize a full role.

Final concert preparation in which each learner will perform at least one solo Aria and one duet, trio, quar- tet or choir piece.

A unique programme by ALCE BOLOGNA - Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee



Course details


November 5th to November 30th 2018

March 4th to March 30th 2019


At ALCE BOLOGNA, one of the most accredited Italian Language School


4 weeks | 8 hours per Day | Total 160 hours!!


Italian Language Level: Miniumum A2. Basic knowledge of Opera singing

Week one

  • Reading and in-depth analysis of an opera libretto as chosen by the student
  • Analysis of each aria and study of the character’s psychology
  • Historical/musical context of the analysed opera
  • Group classes

Week two & three

  • Detailed analysis of a single aria (or detailed analysis of a character/operatic role)
  • Vocal technique daily private lessons focusing on the chosen arias and operatic roles
  • Body awareness classes

Week four

  • Final concert rehearsals
  • Self-management (C.V. etc.)
  • Final concert with the Arias and roles studied throughout the

You will receive

  • Personalized report
  • Recorded CD (video clip) of your performance
  • CV monitoring (artistic and European CV)
  • Certificate of attendance
  • One to one tutoring and personal interview