ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

Italian PLUS drama and theatre skills

Artist, here is for you our Italian plus DRAMA and THEATRE skills course !

26 to 29 hours per week

This Italian ‘Plus’ Course combines our highly popular General Italian intensive Course with drama and theatre skills. Getting you involved, this unique add-on programme will give you an even broader understanding of the Italian language at a deeper cultural level.

ALCE BOLOGNA organizes this new exciting course!

Our workshops offer an intensive, hands-on experience which gives students the opportunity to develop their creative skills to the fullest extent possible.

The tutors all have theatre teaching experience as well as backgrounds working in local theatres.


This course is designed for students with a more advanced level. It will provide a wonderful occasion to improve the Italian language in a fun way and to know the techniques, practices and the great works of the Italian Theater.

You will learn about acting techniques and elements of a theatre performance to lower the affective filter: Many students feel shy and embarrassed when it comes to communicating in Italian. The teachers use drama techniques to help our students overcome these feelings that can be detrimental to their progress.

The drama module is divided into thematic modules of 12 hours each:

• module "Authors"

• module "Practices"

Course fact file:

  • 18 years old+
  • 2 week-course (modules spreads in 4 weeks if wished)
  • Level: A2+ (pre-intermediate+)
  • 20 hours of General Italian + 6 hours of your chosen module per week
  • 9 AM-1:15 PM + 2-4 PM x 3 times per week
  • 8 maximum per class
  • Starting dates: any 3rd Monday of the month

Dates & Fees and/or Apply now

Italian in staging | Drama

Choose from:


Text reading, authors analysis, phonetic, expression, gestural art

The "Authors" module is dedicated specifically to the authors of the classical and contemporary Italian dramaturgy and they focus on one or more pieces of the original main opera. The text is analysed from a historical, linguistic and scenic point of view to arrive at a real dramatization.
During the "rehearsal" the memorization of the lines tied to the stage action will allow us to understand the text from a physical and emotional point of view, to fix ways of expression and to expand and improve the italian language pronunciation. The path starts from simple exercises and theatrical practices which will allow to get a feeling for the rules of the stage game, gradually developing the speaker’s language skills. 
Modules "Authors" samples: C.Goldoni / L.Pirandello/ A.Campanile / S. Benni / D. Fo


And action!

The Practices module is dedicated to the most purely technical and expressive aspects of the Italian language. All the paths, even those with different objectives, focus attention on the word, from correct pronunciation to the sound and musicality of a poetic diction, arriving at the deeper and more suggestive roots of our language.
Literary classics text of Italian literature will be used. Modules "practical" samples : expressive reading / know and read the Italian poetry / diction and phonetics for foreigners.