ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

Privacy policy

Your email address will never be sold to 3rd parties or spammed.

The Collection of Personal Information

Personal information from you, such as your name, email address or telephone number which is provided via our contact forms is treated as confidential information according to the National Law (Legge n. 675/96)

Disclosure to Third Parties

Alce Bologna doesn’t not pass on or sell email addresses to 3rd parties.

Use of Cookies

Some pages on this site use "cookies," which are small files that the site places on your hard drive for identification purposes. These files may be used for site registration and customization the next time you visit us, and to make navigating the website more user-friendly.
A cookie is a piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as an anonymous tag that identifies your computer but not you. You should note that cookies cannot read data off of your hard drive. Your web browser may allow you to be notified when you are receiving a cookie, giving you the choice to accept it or not. By not accepting cookies, some pages may not fully function and you may find it harder to access certain information on this site