იტალიური ულამაზესი ენაა, უკვე მესამედ ჩამოვედი ბოლონიაში, კერძოდ ალჩეში იტალიურის შესასწავლად. ასე თუ ისე საკმაოდ კარგად ვწერ და ვლაპარაკობ. პედაგოგების პროფესიონალიზმი და მეგობრული დამოკიდებულება თავს ერთ დიდ ოჯახში მაგრძნობინებს, ალჩემ მომცა საშუალება შემეძინა მეგობრები მსოფლიოს სხვადასხვა ქვეყნებიდან. ვფიქრობ რომ ეს პერიოდი ყველაზე კარგი გამოცდილებაა ჩემს ცხოვრებაში. დარწმუნებული ვარ რომ აქ მიღებული განათლება უამრავ შესაძლელობას მომცემს მომავალში. ლიზა კაციაშვილი
Italian is a beautiful language and I have come to Alce Bologna to learn it. This is my third time here and I can now speak and write the language quite well.
The teachers are very professionals and at the school, I feel as part of a big family. Alce gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of foreign people which have turned into friendships.
I think that my time at Alce is a very nice and rich experience of my life. Furthermore, the Italian knowledge will bring me a lot of opportunities for the future
En solo cinco semanas a ALCE, he aprendido no solo italiano, pero también sobre la cultura italiana y la ciudad de Bolonia. Me siento confidente cuando hablo italiano gracias a la dedicación, pasión y entusiasmo de los profesores de ALCE. Bolonia es una ciudad muy linda donde aprender el italiano y recomiendo ALCE a cualquier persona que quiere mejorar su italiano.
In only 5 weeks at ALCE I have not only learned Italian but also a lot about the culture and the city of Bologna. I now feel confident when I speak Italian thanks to the teacher’s dedication, passion and enthusiasm. Bologna is a beautiful city where to learn Italian and I would definitely recommend ALCE to anyone that wants to get better in Italian (or start learning the language!).
Minha aventura com a Alce bologna começou já no exterior, eu moravo na Australia e precisava organizar minha mudança pra Bologna .Desde o primeiro contato todos foram impecáveis, me senti ja muito segura.
Depois quando cheguei em bologna foram um apoio e uma ajuda imprescindível no meu percurso de adaptação ao novo pais e o aprendizado da nova lingua.
Foram no total 8 meses de curso e a preparação para o CILS , acabei conhecendo todos os professores e todos colaboraram pra me ajudar a melhor a cada dia meu italiano.
Hoje moro em bologna, consegui achar um trabalho na minha area, e sem duvida a Alce bologna foi essencial pra que eu conseguisse realizar todos meu objetivos.
Tenho saudades dos tempos da escola e principalmente das sextas-feiras onde eles sempre preparam um almoço delicioso!
My adventures with ALCE started even before I arrived as I was coming to move to Italy from Australia. All my contacts with the school were perfect and I felt secure from the start.
Once I arrived, I felt helped and supported through everything, not only in my Italian learning, but in every step of my new life here. During my 8 months at the school (including my CILS preparation exam), I got to meet all the teachers and they all daily contributed to my apprenticeship of the language.
I now live in Bologna and manged to find a work in my field. ALCE was undoubtedly essential so that I could reach my objectives. I miss my days at school, especially the delicious Friday lunches prepared by Luca!
During my time at ALCE I significantly improved my Italian and also my cultural knowledge of Italy. It is a fantastic school with excellent teachers who make you feel welcomed and bring the best out of you. It is situated in a lovely part of Bologna, which in itself is a beautiful city enriched in history with plenty of art, museums and food.
I have loved my time at ALCE and cannot recommended it highly enough if you want to really develop your Italian and get a real taste of Italy.
Je suis vraiment ravie de mon expérience à ALCE! Les cours sont motivants, variés, animés, et en plus d’avoir vraiment pu faire de beaux progrès en un mois, j’ai rencontré beaucoup de gens formidables des quatre coins du monde. Les professeurs sont compétents et toujours disponibles, et je dois dire que les petits effectifs en classe permettent de participer activement tout le temps, ce qui est fort appréciable.
De plus, Bologne est une ville merveilleuse, il y a tant de choses à faire, à visiter, et à découvrir. Sans oublier évidemment, la nourriture tout simplement délicieuse des restaurants de Bologne où il règne une ambiance inégalable
I am very happy about my experience at ALCE Bologna. The courses are motivating, varied and animated. Not only I have improved a lot in a month, but I have also met many great persons from all around the world. The teachers are competent and always available. The small classes allow you to participate actively all the time!
Furthermore, Bologna is a marvellous city, with a lot of things to do, to visit and to discover. In Bologna’s restaurants, the food is undoubtedly just delicious, and here you get an unrivalled atmosphere!
ALCE är en bra skola med dedikerade och duktiga lärare. Skolan är seriös och välorganiserad och erbjuder ett tydligt program för studierna. Italienskastudier på ALCE berättigar också till studiemedel från CSN.
Bologna är en vacker och aktiv stad med mycket kultur, god mat och ett rikt uteliv. På skolan har jag lärt känna personer från hela världen och tillsammans har vi utforskat Bologna och italiensk kultur.
ALCE is a good school with dedicated and proficient teachers. The school is serious and well organised and offers a clear program for your studies. Italian studies in ALCE entitles Swedish citizens to study allowance from CSN.
Bologna is a beautiful and active city with a variety of cultural activities to choose from, good food and an active nightlife. In the school, I got to know people from all over the world and together we have explored Bologna and Italian culture.
I have been able to learn Italian and also about the Italian culture and customs through the school ALCE and its activities organised. Thanks to the teachers and all the students, I am also been able do paint here, the thing I love doing.
Wierzę, że nie ma lepszej metody nauki języka obcego jak poprzez zajęcia z nauczycielem stąd pomysł kursu włoskiego w ALCE w Bolonii. Samo miasto jest niesamowite, pełne cudownych ludzi i miejsc, dzięki czemu bez przerwy można cieszyć się możliwoścą obcowania z włoską kulturą. Moim ulubionym miejscem pozostanie plac Santo Stefano, gdzie każdego poranka przed zajęciami mogłem cieszyć się swoim małym śniadaniowym rytuałem w postaci cappuccino i brioche. Przez dwa tygodnie kursu podszkoliłem swój włoski, poznałem studentów z całego świata, którzy tak jak ja zafascynowani są włoską kulturą. Nauczyciele byli zawsze chętni do pomocy, pełni entuzjazmu i najważniejsze bardzo cierpliwi. Nie mogę się wprost doczekać kiedy znowu wrócę do Bolonii.
I believe that nothing beats learning a language face to face with a tutor therefore I picked the Italian course with ALCE in Bologna. The city is amazing, full of wonderful people and places so I could enjoy Italian culture everyday. My favorite place is Piazza Santo Stefano with its bars I could enjoy my morning ritual of a cup of cappuccino with a brioche. During two weeks course I significantly improved my Italian, met other students from all over the world and made another step to improve the knowledge of the Italian culture. The teachers were great, always willing to help, enthusiastic and very patient. I am looking forward to come back to Bologna again.
Я обучалась в ALCE 10 месяцев, от практически нулевого уровня я выучила итальянский на уровне С1 и сдала без проблем CILS. ALCE это не только прекрасная школа, обладающая всем необходимым для эффективной учебы, но и замечательные профессионалы -преподаватели, который всегда готовы помочь и поддержать даже в личных ситуациях. Я считаю, что Болонья - один из самых лучших городов Италии для изучения языка. Город с богатой культурой и историей, в котором есть все для комфортной жизни.
I have studied Italian at ALCE for 10 months and I have reached a C1 level starting from almost the very beginning. I passed the C1 CILS exam without any problems. ALCE is a perfect school that uses modern devices to help us study in an efficient way. The staff is very professional, prepared and always available to help, even beyond the courses. Bologna is for me the ideal city where to study the language. It has a very rich history and a fascinating culture. Furthermore, you can find all you need to you feel comfortable.
Foi uma belíssima estadia para nós em Bologna. Foi nossa primeira experiência real com a língua italiana. A escola ALCE é interessantíssima porque possibilita um contato fácil com os professores, dispõe de recursos tecnológicos, possibilita fazer amigos, aprender sobre a história da cidade e também podemos visitar as cidades vizinhas com a professora. Bologna superou as nossas expectativas! Agora, gostaríamos de continuar nosso estudo de italiano na Itália.
Our stay in Bologna has been just great! It was our first real experience with the Italian language. The school ALCE is very interesting. You get easy contact with the teachers, the lessons are given with modern devices, you make many friends… but also of course you learn a lot about the city history and get to visit cities nearby with a private guide: your teacher! Bologna has simply exceeded our expectations! Now we really wish to continue our Italian learning in Italy and we are looking forward for the team to visit us in Brazil ;)
Sziasztok! Erika vagyok, 43 éves és én is az ALCE iskola diákja voltam.
Az iskola és a kurzusok is nagyon tetszettek, több indok miatt is - először is a családias légkör miatt és a barátságos, jól felkészült oktatók miatt is. Az órak és módszerek hatékonyak voltak és főleg, hogy kis csoportokban dolgoztunk.
Egy olyan közeget találtam, ahol mindenkinek alkalma nyílt megismerni különböző korú és nemzetiségű személyeket és sok barátság is született. Az órákon kivül, voltak különböző kulturális programok, kirándulások, bulik, ünnepek. Nagyon jól éreztem magam és jól is szórakoztam, nem lebecsülendő Bologna városa, ami csodálatos!!! Gyertek az ALCE nyelviskolába, a szórakozás és a profi kurzusok garantáltak!
A szívem olasz :-)
- Ciao -
I have really enjoyed the school and the course for a number of reasons: first of all the family atmosphere and the friendly well competent teachers. The lessons and methods are really efficient and it was really pleasant to work in small groups.
All of us were really able to meet people from diverse horizons and different age and make a lot of friendships.
Beyond the lessons, cultural visits, excursions, nights out and parties are organised.
I enjoyed my time a lot and I had a lot of fun- Bologna is not to be underestimate: it is an incredible city!
Come to ALCE, fun and professional courses are guaranteed
Italian is now a part of me and I love it!