ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

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January 2018

Our stay in Bologna has been just great

| Rodrigo and Analuize (Brazil)

2 WEEKS | GI23

Foi uma belíssima estadia para nós em Bologna. Foi nossa primeira experiência real com a língua italiana. A escola ALCE é interessantíssima porque possibilita um contato fácil com os professores, dispõe de recursos tecnológicos, possibilita fazer amigos, aprender sobre a história da cidade e também podemos visitar as cidades vizinhas com a professora. Bologna superou as nossas expectativas! Agora, gostaríamos de continuar nosso estudo de italiano na Itália.

Our stay in Bologna has been just great! It was our first real experience with the Italian language. The school ALCE is very interesting. You get easy contact with the teachers, the lessons are given with modern devices, you make many friends… but also of course you learn a lot about the city history and get to visit cities nearby with a private guide: your teacher! Bologna has simply exceeded our expectations! Now we really wish to continue our Italian learning in Italy and we are looking forward for the team to visit us in Brazil ;)