ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

Welcome at ALCE, study Italian in Bologna

ALCE, was established in 2000. We are a medium-sized, owner-managed, Italian language school.

We are a family-run school, offering intensive General Italian, examination preparation courses but also a nice range of specific courses for students from all over the world.
We are known for the personal attention we provide both in and outside of the classroom.
Our school offers top quality teaching and a friendly learning environment.
We also work carefully to conserve our excellent nationality mix.

Bologna, which is home to the Oldest University in the world, has something to offer to everyone. Art, history, music, culture, education, excellence in eno-gastronomy, night life, shopping and much much more!
We invite you to discover one of the best preserved Italian jewels.

Alce and the splendid city of Bologna are ready to give you a very warm welcome. All in all, an experience we are sure you will treasure for life!
Above all, you will be in safe hands of caring, experienced professionals who are passionate about language learning and cultural exchange.

We look forward to welcoming you to Bologna. On behalf of all the teachers and staff, we would like to invite you to join us soon.

Ciao, a presto!

Luca and Rossana

Important Notice!

Next CILS B1 Cittadinanza exam date is
February 15, 2024
April 11, 2024
June 5, 2024
July 18, 2024
October 17, 2024
December 5, 2024

Register NOW!

New 2020/2021 multi-centre programme
Study Italian in 2 different locations
Learn the language in 2 of the top Italian schools
(both nationally and internationally fully accredited - IALC MEMBERS)
check the details here

Reviews from former students
of our language school

Reviews average: 9,2

| Chiho Y. (Giappone)
Tornerei ancora e la cosiglio a tutti
GI23 - 10 settimane | May 2024
Read more
| Anjia M (Netherlands)
Bologna: One of the main city in Italy and not too big
GI23 - | March 2024
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| Aristia (Francia)
Teachers are good, nice and easy to understand
Italian PLUS cooking - 1 settimana | November 2023
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| Thomas (Germania)
Il corso Master Class mi ha convinto - Eine tolle Stadt voller Kultur, jung und lebendig
Master Class - | October 2023
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| Diego Agueros (France)
Very pleasant and positive experience
GI23 - 2 weeks | October 2023
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Read all reviews

ALCE a été établi en 2000. Nous sommes une école de langue italienne de taille moyenne, gérer par ses propriétaires.

Ici vous trouverez une école familiale offrant des cours intensifs d’italien pour les personnes venant du monde entier qui souhaitent apprendre, parler, comprendre et être immergés dans la culture italienne.

Nous offrons une large gamme de cours allant des cours italien général aux examens officiels de langue, formations spécifiques (y compris professionnelles) mais aussi de loisirs (telles que cuisine et dégustation vins).
Nous sommes reconnus pour l’attention personnelle que nous accordons, tant en cours qu’en dehors de ceux-ci. Nous offrons un enseignement de haute qualité dans une ambiance de travail amicale à des prix compétitifs.
Nous nous appliquons à conserver un bon mélange de nationalités, nous accueillons chaque année des étudiants de plus de 40 pays.

Bologne est le berceau de la plus vieille université du monde et a quelque chose à offrir à tous : art, histoire, musique, culture, études, excellence œno-gastronomique, vie nocturne, shopping, et bien plus encore!

Nous vous invitons à choisir Bologne pour apprendre l’italien en Italie pour découvrir l’un des joyaux les mieux conservé de notre pays.
ALCE et la splendide Bologne sont prêtes à vous accueillir chaleureusement. Une expérience tout-en-un que vous chérirez toute votre vie!
Par-dessus tout, vous serez entre les mains attentionnées et expérimentées de professionnels passionnés de langue et d’échanges culturels.
Nous vous attendons avec impatience à Bologne ! Les professeurs et toute l’équipe, vous invitent à nous rejoindre bientôt.

ALCE nace en el 2000 como escuela de idiomas italiana para extranjeros, de medianas dimensiones y administrada por sus propietarios.

Somos una escuela de gestión familiar, ofrecemos cursos intensivos de italiano para personas provenientes de todas las partes del mundo, deseosas de aprender, comprender, hablar el italiano y adentrarse en la cultura italiana.

Ofrecemos una amplia y variada gama de cursos, partiendo de los de lengua general, de preparación a los exámenes de italiano, hasta los técnicos (incluido Business), los destinados al tiempo libre (cursos de cocina y de degustación de vinos).

Nos distinguimos por el particular cuidado y atención tanto dentro como fuera de la clase. Nuestra escuela ofrece una enseñanza profesional de alta calidad en un ambiente informal y amistoso con precios competitivos.

Uno de nuestros objetivos principales es el de mantener una excepcional mezcla de nacionalidades que nos diferencia: cada año acogemos a estudiantes procedentes de más de 40 países.

Bologna, sede de la Universidad más antigua del mundo, es una ciudad que satisface los gustos de todos: arte, historia, música, cultura, excelencia enogastronómica, vida nocturna, shopping ¡y muchas más cosas!

Quien elige Bologna para estudiar italiano en Italia descubrirá una de las joyas histórico-culturales mejor conservadas de nuestro país. ALCE y su espléndida ciudad están preparadas para darte la más calurosa bienvenida a Italia. ¡Estamos seguros de que tu permanencia será una experiencia inolvidable que enriquecerá tu vida!

Además, estarás en manos de profesionales atentos y escrupulosos, con una sólida experiencia y amantes de la enseñanza de idiomas extranjeros y del intercambio cultural. Esperamos poder darte pronto nuestra bienvenida a Bologna.

En nombre de todos los profesores y del equipo de ALCE, te invitamos a unirte pronto a nosotros.

ALCE nasce nel 2000 come scuola di lingua italiana per stranieri di medie dimensioni, gestita direttamente dai proprietari.

Siamo una scuola a conduzione familiare, offriamo corsi intensivi di italiano per persone provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, desiderose di imparare, capire, parlare l’italiano ed immergersi nella cultura italiana.
Offriamo un’ampia e variegata gamma di corsi a partire da quelli di lingua generale, di preparazione agli esami di italiano, a quelli tecnici (incluso Business), fino ad arrivare ai corsi destinati al tempo libero (corsi di cucina e di degustazione vini).
Siamo rinomati per la particolare cura e attenzione che riponiamo sia dentro che fuori dalla classe.
La nostra scuola offre un insegnamento professionale di alta qualità in un ambiente informale e amichevole a prezzi competitivi.
Uno dei nostri obiettivi primari è quello di mantenere l’eccezionale mix di nazionalità che ci contraddistingue: ogni anno accogliamo studenti provenienti da più di 40 Paesi.

Bologna, sede della più antica Università del mondo, è una città che soddisfa i gusti di tutti: arte, storia, musica, cultura, eccellenza enogastronomica, vita notturna, shopping e tanto altro ancora!
Chi sceglie Bologna per studiare italiano in Italia scoprirà uno dei gioielli storico-culturali meglio conservati del nostro paese.
ALCE e la sua splendida città sono pronti a darti il più caloroso benvenuto in Italia. Siamo certi che il tuo soggiorno si rivelerà un’esperienza indimenticabile che arricchirà la tua vita!
In più, sarai nelle mani sicure di professionisti attenti e scrupolosi, con una solida esperienza e amanti dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere dello scambio culturale.
Speriamo di poterti dare presto il nostro benvenuto a Bologna.

A nome di tutti gli insegnanti e dello staff ALCE, ti invitiamo ad unirti presto a noi.

“Dear students, we are now offering online courses.

We are committed to deliver you the same high quality learning experience as always.

More information HERE

So happy to announce that ALCE has been shortlisted,
for the 5th year in a row, in the
ST Star Italian Language School 2024 category,
among the 5 best Italian schools!

The StudyTravel Star Awards are the annual peer-voted ST Star Awards - rewarding high quality service of international study travel schools.
After the privilege to host IALC 2018 workshop, this is another great honour and milestone!
Thank you to all our partners for your ongoing support and for nominating ALCE as your Number One Italian Language School

Cerchi corsi di tutte le lingue per Italiani?

Basic techniques course of Italian cuisine

ALCE, your unique Italian Language school in Bologna equipped with a real professional kitchen. Cooking lessons run twice per week with our resident chefs (courses both for Italian and foreigners).
More information about all our cooking courses here

"Why learn Italian in Italy? Because Italian means..."

Watch some of the best moments
from the IALC 2018 Bologna Workshop

The IALC 2018 Bologna Workshop was one of our biggest ever events and the vibrant and historic city of Bologna was a fantastic host to three days of networking, learning and first class IALC entertainment and hospitality.
Watch some of the best moments from the workshop with our IALC Bologna 2018 Review below:

Photo gallery 1 on Facebook Photo gallery 2 on Facebook

How do I choose my language school?

Here is a short guideline of the questions you should ask yourself to help you compare schools:

- How many students are there per class?
- What is the actual length of 1 lesson (45-50-55-60 minutes)?
- How many hours per week do you actually get (is the break included in the total number of hours)?
- Are there any class time reduction? Ex what happens if there are only a few students of my level?

To find all the answers about ALCE, you can read more on our FAQ and why ALCE?

Any doubt? Write to us

The school location:

• We are ideally located in Bologna city centre, at the entrance of the city walls

• Food, shops, bars, restaurants, just outside school

• Medieval historic centre is just 600 metres by foot (10 minutes)

• On the main bus routes that go to the most important sites (station, centre..)

• The most beautiful city park, the Giardini Margherita is only few metres away

Centrally and conveniently location

Free Wi-Fi

Coffee break point

Modern classrooms

Air conditioning

Maximum 8 students per class

Fulltime courses

Dubbing and recording studio


Privately managed student house

Visa counselling

Fully equipped kitchen